Haze Gray and Under Way
"Willie Wood"
Welcome to the Internet Home of the . . .
USS William M. Wood DD/DDR-715
Commissioned: 24 November 1945 Decommissioned: 01 December 1976 Dedicated to the Memory of a Fine Ship and her Shipmates
Here we will post the latest letters from the President and the Staff and any late news that comes in. This is just the beginning so there's not a lot here as yet, but it will get better and grow . . .
Welcome to
"The Willie Wire"
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©Copyright 2010-2012 - USS William M Wood Association - All rights reserved - Questions about our Website? Contact: webmaster@DD715.org
This website is Hosted and Maintained by John [Dizzy] Dzubak and the Wood Association
The William M. Wood Association
Appreciates your continued support!